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2021/03/08 14:54 오션 CSS Fonts * description : CSS Font, Font-family, web safe, style, size, Google, Pairings, Shorthand * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-03-08 Source of the article * CSS Fonts * CSS Web Safe Fonts * CSS Fonts Fallbacks * CSS Font Style * CSS Font Size * CSS Google Fonts
2021/07/06 09:14 오션 CSS Responsive Web Design - Grid-View * description : CSS Responsive Web Design - Grid-View * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-07-06 Tue The source of this article CSS Responsive Web Design - Grid-View What is a Grid-View? 많은 웹 페이지들은 그리드 뷰(grid-view)에 기반하고 있으며, 이는 페이지가 컬럼(세로 열)으로 구분되어 있다는 것을 의미합니다.
2021/07/06 08:42 오션 CSS Responsive Web Design - Intro * description : CSS Responsive Web Design - Intro * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-07-06 Tue The source of this article CSS Responsive Web Design - Intro What is Responsive Web Design? 반응형 웹 디자인은 웹 페이지를 모든 장치에서 보기 좋게 만듭니다.
2021/07/06 11:00 오션 CSS Responsive Web Design - Media Queries * description : CSS Responsive Web Design - Media Queries * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-07-06 Tue The source of this article CSS Responsive Web Design - Media Queries What is a Media Query?
2021/07/06 09:13 오션 CSS Responsive Web Design - The Viewport * description : CSS Responsive Web Design - The Viewport * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-07-06 Tue The source of this article CSS Responsive Web Design - The Viewport What is The Viewport?
2021/06/29 08:02 오션 CSS Responsive Web Design- Images * description : CSS Responsive Web Design- Images * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2021-06-29 The source of this article CSS Responsive Web Design - images Using The width Property width 속성이 백분율로 설정되고 height 속성이
2020/06/24 12:18 오션 OWL * description : OWL * author : 오션 * email : shlim@repia.com * lastupdate : 2020-06-24 약어(두문자어) 설명 OWL : Web Ontology Language (웹 온톨로지 랭귀지) 의미 1. 사물, 사물의 그룹, 사물간의 관계에 대한 풍부하고 복잡한 지식을 표현하기 위해 W3C가 고안한 '시맨틱 웹 언어'입니다.