======Bootstrap Tables======
The .table class adds basic styling (light padding and only horizontal dividers) to a table:
First Name | Last Name | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
The .table class adds basic styling (light padding and only horizontal dividers) to a table:
First Name | Last Name | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
The .table-bordered class adds borders to a table:
First Name | Last Name | |
John | Doe | john@example.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
The .table-hover class enables a hover state on table rows:
First Name | Last Name | |
John | Doe | john@examle.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
The .table-condensed class makes a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half:
First Name | Last Name | |
John | Doe | john@examle.com |
Mary | Moe | mary@example.com |
July | Dooley | july@example.com |
Contextual Classes can be used to color table rows or table cells. The classes that can be used are: .active, .success, .info, .warning, and .danger.
First Name | Last Name | |
Default | Defaultson | def@somemail.com |
Success | Doe | john@somemail.com |
Danger | Moe | mary@example.com |
Info | Dooley | july@wxample.com |
Warning | Refs | bo@example.com |
Active | Activeson | act@example.com |
The .table-responsive class creates a responsive table which will scroll horizontally on small devices (under 768px). When viewing on anything larger than 768px wide, there is no difference:
# | First Name | lsdt Name | Age | City | country |
1 | Anna | Pitt | 35 | New York | USA |